August 2022
Media Progress chose to concentrate its internal resources on consolidating the network of practitioner and research organisations as well as civil society partners within the organization Europe's People' Forum. For this reason, the company declined invitations to contribute to these projects:
- the EU-funded "Support to EU Film Festivals - phase II" - FPI/2022/EA-RP/0005 project. The overall objective (Impact) is to build trust and mutual understanding, and by doing so support the achievement of EU Foreign Policy objectives, by strengthening the EU's ability to engage meaningfully with different audiences, stakeholders, and potential partners (e.g. cultural operators in third countries) through the organisation of EUFFs.
- the EU project "Support to the implementation of the Communication and Public Diplomacy Strategy for Somalia". The overall objective of this assignment is to increase awareness of the EU values and principles and the longstanding partnership with Somalia, by focusing on and showcasing the comprehensive EU support and development cooperation between 2022 - 2024"
- le projet « Communication et visibilité de l'Union européenne au Burundi ». May 2022
- SIEA Lot 3 : EU for Freedom of Expression : Alignment of national media legislation with EU Acquis and media standard
May 2022
Media Progress chose to concentrate its internal resources on consolidating the network of practitioner and research organisations as well as civil society partners within the organization Europe's People' Forum. For this reason, the company declined invitations to contribute to this project:
- The EU-funded project Nigeria - Visibility and Communication Contract in Support of Peace and Security
March 2022
Media Progress chose to concentrate its internal resources on consolidating the network of practitioner and research organisations as well as civil society partners within the organization Europe's People' Forum. For this reason, the company declined invitations to contribute to these projects:
- Cooperation Facility for the EU Delegation and Civil Society in Yemen 2022' in the context of FWC SIEA 2018 (Services for Implementation of External Aid), Lot 3,
- EU4Georgia 4 - Communicating the European Union in Georgia
December 2021
Media Progress chose to concentrate its internal resources on consolidating the network of practitioner and research organisations as well as civil society partners within the organization Europe's People' Forum. For this reason, the company declined invitations to contribute to these projects:
- Communication and Visibility of EU Cooperation in Cambodia
- EU-funded Technical Assistance to the East African Community
- Costs of Elections: a Comparative Study and Brochure on Procurement
- SIEA2 DG INTPA: Visibility And Communications Strategy For The EU - St Kitts And Nevis 11th EDF Renewable Energy And Energy Efficiency Sector Budget Support Programme
- EU Funded contract to provide complementary support to the State and Resilience Building Contract 3 (CS SRBC3) in the Republic of The Gambia: media reform
August 2021
Media Progress chose to concentrate its internal resources on consolidating the network of practitioner and research organisations as well as civil society partners within the organization Europe's People' Forum. For this reason, the company declined invitations to contribute to these projects:
- the EU Communication and Visibility Support Services in Rwanda
- Assistance technique au profit de la délégation interministérielle des Droits de l'homme au Maroc
- The EU-funded "Final sector evaluation of IcSP support to in-country civil society actors in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and crisis preparedness"
- EU project "Horizontal Coordination Support Under the Western Balkans Investment Framework - IFICO 4". The purpose of this service contract is to provide administrative, technical, monitoring and evaluation, visibility and communication support to the Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF) Secretariat and to the WBIF governing bodies, beneficiaries and other WBIF stakeholders (EC, IFIs, bilateral donors, etc.).
July 2021
Media Progress chose to concentrate its internal resources on consolidating the network of practitioner and research organisations as well as civil society partners within the organization Europe's People' Forum. For this reason, the company declined invitations to contribute to these projects:
- Communication and Visibility field for the project "Provision of technical assistance to support the cooperation between the European Union and the Kingdom of Eswatini for the period of 2021-2027"
- the EU-funded regional project "EU4IndependentMedia" in the Eastern Partnership countries.
- the EU-funded mission entitled "Education for Employability Communication and Visibility Contract", South Africa
January 2021
Media Progress carried out technical assistance to the statistical office in Kosovo to finalise the communication and outreach strategy for the Population, Households and Housing Census 2021. The deliverables emphasized the need to correct misperceptions about the use of census data and the need to use multiple media and messages to reach all population groups to ensure that especially minorities in Kosovo are enumerated and properly represented in the population figures.
March 2020
Technical assistance to the management of EU IPA II projects in North Macedonia. The assistance to the democracy and governance sector focused specifically on obstacles to media pluralism and addressed problems with freedom of expression, key requirements in the Copenhagen criteria which must be met in order to obtain full membership of the EU.
February 2019
Mid-term evaluation and final evaluation of a multiannual media sector support programme to Tunisia covering the period 2015 - 2020 aiming to strengthen the country's professional media and ensure the dissemination of independent and plural information to uphold freedom of expression. Draft strategies for possible future EU media support.
January 2019
Technical assistance to the statistical offices in pre-accession countries - Turkey, Serbia, B-i-H, Albania, North Macedonia and Kosovo - to prepare the communication and outreach strategy concerning census operations in the region. Contribution to the overall technical strategy and technical assistance to individual statistical offices. Assistance to the technical coordination group.
June 2018
Facilitation of the media reform process to encourage a conducive policy and legal framework for the operation of the media sector, promoting transformative change and supporting the growth of a vibrant media landscape. Deliverables were an assessment of the media and communication landscape, and a recommended strategy for media reform agreed by media sector stakeholders, regulatory bodies and government. A draft national media policy paper agreed by the government and prepared for stakeholder validation was also produced.
March 2018
Synthesis evaluation of BBC Media Action's best concrete approaches and strategic advantages of using media and communication to reinforce societal progress in 14 countries and covering three sectors - Governance, Health, and Resilience - in connection with its five-year Global Grant programme. The key strategies and practices may serve as the foundation for the design and implementation of future communication and media programmes in development, specifically in the Governance, Health and Resilience sectors.
December 2017 - January 2018
Technical assistance is given to assess the status of the communication and outreach of the Palestinian Central Bureau for Statistics and assist the staff to develop a communication and outreach strategy for the dissemination of census results as well as the general communication and outreach on traditional and social media platforms.
March 2017
Technical assistance is given through UNICEF to the government's reform of the security sector in Madagascar ("Appui à la Reforme du Secteur de Sécurité"). A comprehensive Communication Strategy for Peace covering the government, civil society, and media aims to prevent structural, political, and behavioural reasons for violence, crime, and conflict. The reform of the security sector aims to improve capacity and commitment of security forces to protect the vulnerable population more effectively and according to high ethical standards, especially in conflict-ridden regions.
January 2017
Two Media Progress partners have in their personal capacity founded the international organization Europe's People's Forum together with a number of likeminded persons across Europe. The organisation aims to enhance European democracy by engaging the people and media in all 28 EU member states in a bottom-up debate of strategies and visions for the future of the EU in collaboration with other national European initiatives. This debate seeks to impact on the course of the EU and to better align future EU political strategies with the populations' priorities. See www.europespeoplesforum.eu for further information.
August 2016:
Drawing on the experience from Baltic Media Centre's support to independent media and democracy in MENA, Media Progress assists the EC DG NEAR in carrying out a Mid-Term evaluation of the regional "MedMedia" project providing media development assistance with regards to freedom of the media, media ethics, and professional standards to public service and private media, regulatory bodies, media legislation, and media education provided by universities.

Iron Bottom Sound, Solomon Islands
May 2016:
Drawing on the experience from Baltic Media Centre Fund with media development assistance in the Western Balkan countries and Turkey, Media Progress provides technical assistance to EC DG NEAR concerning a regional Technical Assistance programme in favour of Public Service Media in the Western Balkans and Turkey. As part of the overall assessment of these pre-accession countries with regards to their respect and commitment to promoting freedom of expression, this assistance focuses specifically on the reform and professional development of Public Service Media in the Western Balkans and Turkey in order to ensure content pluralism in an independent and accountable manner.
February 2016:
Media Progress has proudly incorporated Tunisian-based African Communication. We welcome African Communication partners and co-owners:
- Eran Fraenkel
- Francis Rolt
- Cees van Zweeden
Spring 2015:
Drawing on the experience from Baltic Media Centre Fund with media development interventions in the states surrounding the Baltic Sea, Media Progress has developed a number of concept notes and synthesis background papers concerning Russian Language Media Initiatives for the European Endowment for Democracy and the Danish Cultural Institute respectively. The documents describe and recommend models for basket funding, commercial investment funding, and media platforms for media development interventions in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, the Eastern European Partnership region and beyond.
March 2015:
Media Progress has won the tender "Production of the State of Media Freedom in Rwanda Report" (UNDP Rwanda). The evidence-based assessment of media freedom in Rwanda based on UNESCO's Media Development Indicators includes mapping of the legal, policy and regulatory contexts with special focus on the 2013 media reforms. The report also assesses challenges to the level of professionalism and current initiatives towards improving media professionalism, promoting professional and ethical media practices as well as defending media freedom in Rwanda. The report will provide a standard reference and the key recommendations on media freedom in Rwanda. Four Media Progress partners were involved: Francis Sowa (the team's expert on media law and Media Development Indicators), Glenn O'Neil (quality assurance expert) Bent Nørby Bonde (team leader) and Ingeline Bonde (project management).
March 2014:
Media Progress and its subsidiary African Communication have established a branch office in Brussels, Belgium. This serves to facilitate networking and consortium building as well as collaboration with European donors.
September 2013:
Media Progress subsidiary, African Communication, partners with Equal Access in the development, operation and management of a 24/7 Hausa-language satellite TV channel aimed at youth residing in northern Nigeria. The satellite TV channel aims to create positive themes and narratives competing with those of political violence and violent extremism. It will also enhance local media capacity and professionalism by sub-awarding to local partners. Content delivered initially by satellite television will be echoed through additional media platforms.
June 2013:
Media Progress has won the tender "Mid-Term Evaluation of African Peace building Coordination Programme Phase II" (MFA Finland). The evaluation will evaluate the Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impact, Sustainability and cross-cutting gender and human rights aspects of the project. The project aims to enhance local ownership and capacity for peacebuilding processes, support national, regional and international policy frameworks and create a platform for dialogue and identification of best practices and knowledge.
April 2013:
Media Progress welcomes its new co-owners and partners:
- Glenn O'Neill
- Samra Lučkin
- Waseem Mahmood
- Francis Sowa
- Senad Kamenica
- Niels Jørgen Thøgersen